Health Depression and Psychotherapy

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Psychotherapy dispense with the use of drugs or the use of other remedies. Here the psychotherapist acts by a conversation on the psyche of the patient. Since the patient himself plays, an active role psychotherapy can be seen as a means to help themselves.

There are many different types and forms of psychotherapy. For outpatient treatment of depression (in the doctor's office), only the psychotherapy process are recognized and accepted by the public health insurance, which can be assigned to the policy process. These include psychoanalytic process and behaviour therapy. The antidepressant effect of this method has been demonstrated in studies; however, these statements refer mostly to the effectiveness of the method in mild and moderate depression.

In a present depression, cognitive behavioural therapy is used most often. Here are passive behaviours in everyday life (e.g., rumination) are replaced by pleasurable activities. In addition, the social skills to be strengthened again, as people often do not realize how negative their communication patterns are. Stressful experiences are to be reduced. Need to achieve this goal, the thought patterns of those affected will be restructured.

The effectiveness of psychotherapy is, in mild to moderate depression, to compare with the drug therapy. If the symptoms of depression, however, too strong, both methods may be used in combination to enhance the effectiveness. It is so ordered psychotherapy with concomitant medication.

The therapy can sometimes be unsuccessful, resulting in the deterioration of health of the patients (mostly short term). This must strike the patient immediately. Such a situation can occur, for example by an insufficient trust between therapist and patient, as both "unable to each other."

During psychotherapy, the patient is dependent in some way by his therapist. Only in rare cases, psychotherapists exploit this dependence. However, an unsuccessful therapy can also come about if the patient is not ready to psychotherapy. The therapy calls time, motivation, ability to cooperate and willingness of patients.