Why is water important for fitness and health
← Back to homepageEven as children we intuitively felt that water is a good thing . In order therein reinzuspringen for example, if it collects in puddles in the rain. Or to fill in spray guns and depth charges. Now in adulthood, we are faced with momentous phrases such as ” Water is Life “. This is intended to and succinctly say that water is good for our health and water is not just ” building material” for our body.
The nuclear chain H2O is involved in almost all physiological processes and in all biochemical reactions is an important reactive component. We need water to regulate our body temperature and not only to decompose absorbed nutrients, but also to transport to the organs. With water, we also carry out oxygen to our cells, flush waste products of our metabolism and protect our joints and organs against shock.
If you are very active, you need far more water than someone who is more likely a lazy lifestyle. Even a slight dehydration can be displayed in lack of concentration, lethargy, sore joints, muscle spasms, back pain, constipation, or headache. Even if we do not feel thirsty, we’re already so severely dehydrated that the cognitive abilities break dramatically. So if you want to leave on a razor- sharp wit and lightning-quick responsiveness to should regularly drink to prevent dehydration.
Who runs fitness training regularly, must not only drink more because he loses a lot of fluid through sweat . The regeneration and fat metabolism can be accelerated by an optimal hydration, because water also plays a key position.
The color and odor of the urine are a further indication of the detection of a dehydration. The darker and stabbing it smells, the more likely it is that you need to drink is.
One healthier choice if you one to stop smoking.
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